Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Chri$tma$

I was just reflecting on all of the Facebook updates about the Christmas holiday. Many people are giving praise to "God" because their children were so excited about the gifts they'd received; others gluttonously recline on sofa's just inches away from remote controls they admittedly couldn't reach; and then there were the few that truly appreciated the pure sentiments of family intimacy. I drew conflicting conclusions, Christmas is fulfillment in the abundance of gifts and a time  for appreciation of family, food, fun and fellowship. 
Rarely did those celebrating mention the "origin" of the holiday- the said birth of Jesus Christ. All of the tangible festivities lead me to wonder if Christmas would exist if there weren't any meals or gifts. What does it mean to the homeless, to the lonely orphan or the impoverished parent who couldn't provide food or gifts. 
How did something thought to be so pure become so commercial? Ironically Chri$tma$, the economy's holiday seems to perfectly bridge the gap of church and state. The "church" or observing christian body (however devout or not) spends the money to fund the state's operating budget and the cycle continues.   Spend and Pay, the American Way- Merry Chri$tma$...  

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